【Apple Script】Finderでコピーとかディレクトリ作成とか削除とか

Apple Script から Finder を使って、いろいろな関数を作ってみた。

on makeDir(args)

    set {path_:aPath, dir_name_:aDirName} to ¬
        args & {path_:"", dir_name_:""}

    tell application "Finder"

        set path1 to (aPath & "/" & aDirName) as POSIX file
        set isExist to exists of path1
        if isExist is false then
            set path2 to aPath as POSIX file
            make new folder at path2 with properties {name:aDirName}
        end if

        return (alias path1)'s POSIX path

    end tell

end makeDir

on makeCopy(args)

    set {from_path_:aFromPath, to_path_:aToPath} to ¬
        args & {from_path_:"", to_path_:""}

    tell application "Finder"
        set path1 to aFromPath as POSIX file
        set path2 to aToPath as POSIX file
        duplicate path1 to path2 with replacing
        return aToPath & my filename({path_:aFromPath, isExt_:true})
    end tell
end makeCopy

on getParent(args)

    set {path_:aPath} to ¬
        args & {path_:""}

    tell application "Finder"
        set path1 to aPath as POSIX file as alias
        set thisFolder to parent of path1
        return (alias (thisFolder as text))'s POSIX path
    end tell

end getParent

on del(args)

    set {path_:aPath} to ¬
        args & {path_:""}

    tell application "Finder"
        set path1 to aPath as POSIX file
        delete (path1)
    end tell

end del

on openDir(args)

    set {path_:aPath} to ¬
        args & {path_:""}

    tell application "Finder"
        set path1 to aPath as POSIX file
        open folder path1
    end tell

end openDir